VisIC at the Technology Unites Global Summit by Semi

VisIC to present at the SMART mobility forum, part of the Technology Unites Global Summit by Semi
February 18, 2021, 15:20 CET | Online
“Gallium Nitride Technology to Meet Automotive High-Reliability Requirements“
Global demand for more energy efficiency and fewer carbon emissions is driving an ever-increasing demand for electrical vehicles. As the demand increases, so does the need for better, more efficient technologies to improve the actual car. One of the technologies that have shown great promise of smaller lighter and more efficient systems is Gallium Nitride (GaN) power devices.
SMART Mobility Forum is the premier platform for key stakeholders along the automotive value chain, from Design, Semiconductor Equipment & Materials Suppliers to Automotive OEMs.
Connect with the companies that drive technology innovation in the automotive sector and gain insights from experts on future trends and the roadmap to 2030, as well as innovations in imaging, sensing, AI, smart manufacturing, and L5 mobility.
Led by the Global Automotive Advisory Council, the Forum will feature keynote presentations on pressing topics surrounding autonomous driving and smart transportation.